TUAT President receives a Courtesy Visit by the representative of FEDEARROZ from Colombia

July 31, 2017

On July 31, 2017, as the representative of FEDEARROZ, the federation of rice farmers association in Colombia, Mr. Nelson Fernando Amézquita Varón, Director of Las Lagunas Salda?a Research Center, visited TUAT and was welcomed by TUAT President Ohno. FEDEARROZ is a counterpart organization in Colombia of SATREPS (Science and Technology Research Partnership for Sustainable Development).
SATREPS is a Japanese government program that promotes international joint research, “Development and Adoption of Latin American Low-input Rice Production System through Genetic Improvement and Advanced Field Management Technologies(2013~2018)”, headed by Prof. Kensuke Okada, from Tokyo University. In this joint research, Prof. Sakae Shibusawa of TUAT Graduate School of Agriculture chaired the subtheme 4 “Outreach and Technology Transfer : Community-based Precision Agriculture”.
Mr. Varón expressed his deep gratitude to the contribution by TUAT as the subtheme 4 organized by Prof. Shibusawa has accomplished such outstanding results to introduce the Precision Agriculture (PA) for the first time in Colombia. TUAT President Ohno, Vice President of International Relations, Dr. Takayuki Okayama and Prof. Shibusawa, together with a Colombian delegation of 8 including Mr. Varón and 6 members from agricultural corporations working with the PA, gathered to share their progress and attainments.
